I'm not normally one to harp on about things, I tend to think it makes me look petty and like I have no life and nothing better to do, but when I'm right, I'm fucking RIGHT!
Blaire White put a new video on youtube recently, I Went To Therapy To Figure Out Why I'm Transgender..
In the video, Blaire talks to David Sutcliffe, whom (from what I can find), is NOT a trained and or licensed Psychiatrist, he is apparently a "certified Core Energetics" practitioner though, what that has to do with sex and gender issues and treatments I have no F'ing idea!
Early in the interview the talk is of Blaire being different and "effeminate" at a very early age, and everyone realising even before Blaire did.
Blaire goes on to spend most of the interview talking about Blaire's father, Blaire's hatred for him and what he did to Blaire as a child.
Blaire believes Blaire is probably trans because of a response to early trauma.
But then, at 26:40 minutes, Blaire talks about possible Prenatal causes.
Blaire is also partially/borderline autistic (apparently).
Here's the deal folks, these things are called co-morbidities. If Blaire had been treated correctly, and by that I mean, according to the old standards of care, by a proper psychiatrist, these co-morbidities would have been investigated prior to Blaire's transition and it's probable "Blaire" would not be here.
So, getting back to what I said in my previous post, For a Transsexual, primary sex characteristics ARE important, up there with (if not) THE MOST important issue we have to deal with. There are other issues that can lead a person to cross-sexed or cross-gendered behaviour, but Transsexuals are unique in that we ALWAYS seek to change our genitals to match (as best we can) the sex opposite our sex at birth. No excuses, no ifs, ands, buts or maybes, PERIOD, end of story.
Blaire goes on to say it's not "politically correct" to say that trauma caused one to be "trans".
I would say, it's acceptability has NOTHING to do with political correctness, the reason it is not to be spoken about is because it would raise a flag and prevent people like Blaire, with co-morbidities and ulterior motives for seeking these treatments, from getting them.
In short, doctors don't want law suits, so anything like this, might stop a doctor from assisting with cross-sexed therapies for fear that the patient might have regrets and sue later on.
Blaire knows Blaire is NOT female and Blaire knows Blaire is NOT a woman, Blaire is wearing a costume of convenience and I suspect one day when it is no-longer as useful as it is currently, Blaire will take that costume off and revert back to being a man. At that time Blaire will need the Penis Blaire has dutifully kept, (and) Blaire knows this which is WHY Blaire has kept it (it has nothing to do with in-adequate treatments and all the other bullshit Blaire has touted).
I'd say it will happen quite soon in fact, most likely right when the Transgender wave finally crashes and De-transition becomes en vogue, watch and see Blaire's youtube channel "grow" then.
And none of this would make even the slightest difference to me, except that Blaire claims (or has claimed) publicly to be Transsexual, which means the mainstream population and medical community form their opinion of what a Transsexual (IE, ME) is on people like Blaire.
Blaire will be viewed as some "expert" on what it is to be transsexual, Blaire will be the next Walt Heyer when in reality, Blaire has no idea about being transsexual, Blaire is just an effeminate gay man with daddy issues.
You can see the push back happening all around the world at the moment. The state of Kansas and The country of Hungary are examples, both recently barred the changing of sex designation on a persons identity documents regardless of wether one can prove they've had SRS or not.
These "loud, proud, public", activists are doing more to hurt people like me who just want to fix our problem and get on with our lives, than any kind of good that could come from them.
And as a result, I hope that there is a special place reserved in hell for them.
And hopefully, that's the last I'll have to say about Blaire White.
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