Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Identity Politics - what is a woman?

Where do you draw the line on what is a woman?....

It's funny how no-one in the opression olymipics seems to care about where the line is drawn for "man-hood"

How many men do you suppose need to take genetic tests or produce birth certificates to prove their eligibility to compete.

I'm talking (of course) about the women's boxing at the Paris Olympics. Specifically about Imane Khelif.

People the world over cried out about the injustice of a "man" fighting women, no-one had conclusive evidence of her biological sex (yes, I said "her" and I'll explain why shortly), everyone took a look at her and simply assumed that she was male "pretending" to be a female, a "trans-woman" if you will .

Personally, I looked at her and I figured there was something going on, but I wasn't necessarily certain that the above was the case.

As someone who has been there, I look for the features most people don't typically look for or miss. The brow bone being the biggest thing for me most of the time (distinctive for men and women and very hard to change), but the thing is, Imane has a pretty normal brow bone and hair line for a female in my opinion and there aren't many biological males who do. On the other hand, her nose mouth and jaw are very masculine. 

So in my opinion, something about her was different but I wasn't really convinced she was "trans"

So as it turns out, if you can believe what you read on the internet: 


Imane, was born with a genetic abnormality. I suspect she was born with female genitalia and no-one probably thought anything of it, her birth certificate was marked F and her parents got on with raising their daughter.

Until recently, she may never have even questioned that she was a "girl", although I can't see how she or her parents would not have been at least a little concerned when menstruation did not start and at least go see a doctor to investigate.

In the article above, there are (apparent) childhood photos of her (again, if you can believe what you read on the internet, however, in this case I kinda do, that family photo is pretty hard to fake).

Now on the other hand, the expressions, the body movements, all come across as very masculine to me, like someone who's never really been conscious of their "difference".

So why "her" well I try to look at the world as practically as possible, (because it suits my personal position in this world and we all have to get to sleep at night right?...) She was raised as a girl, and presumably has had most if not all of the expectations placed on women in her culture, placed on her. From what I've read it seems she functions as a woman on a daily basis, and if the Dr's didn't find a good enough willy to declare her a boy at birth (in a culture that isn't exactly known for being "kind" to women) then I have to assume she doesn't have one.

In my world, you live like other women (as completely as you physically can, no "excuses" about why you have to keep your "peen" or excuses about anything else for that matter) then you are a "woman". Woman-hood is about lived experience. So, I respect that she is a woman, hence "she".

NOW! before you go get all up in my grille.....

Do I think she should be/have been allowed to compete against other women?

Well it's like this......

The world is a very unfair place. Life can be extremely cruel (I like to think I know a thing or two about how cruel life can be, but) I can't imagine what it would be like and how selfless someone would have to be to let go of something they've trained their whole life to do. Especially when they don't see anything different about themselves to anyone else and or who they've always believed themselves to be, BUT, I think unfortunately, that would have been the right thing for Imane to do. (probably would need to be a woman to do that, a man would feel entitled to compete, if you know what I mean) 

The reality is, it has become evident that she is NOT like all other women and that "difference" sees her to having an advantage over most if not all women. 

Personally, I believe if you can't win fairly, then where is the satisfaction in winning at all? (that's just me)

Anyway, what I find more interesting is the publics varied and varying positions on the matter.

So may comments from people defending Imane when they find out she was born and raised as a girl, and on the other hand so many others declaring her a man based 100% on apparent chromosome testing (which I still haven't been able to find anywhere).

I wonder how these people would feel if they'd lived their entire lives believing they were a (mostly) normal female, only to have the entire world tell them in a single day that their entire life was a lie and that they are a MAN! (shock  horror!, oh the shame!)

Imagine, you've NEVER questioned yourself not even for a second and neither has anyone else in your life and then overnight the world turns on you.

It's so easy for people to judge, so easy to drag that old pitchfork out and light up that torch

I also watched a program the other day where the host said in-spite of the fact that Imane is apparently NOT transgender, it was still "trans" people's fault that "he" was allowed to compete and beat up women.

So here I sit in my living room thousands of miles away with my husband napping peacefully on the couch across from me, and it's MY fault....

Just like everything else these days I guess.....

Cest la vie!

Sunday, 11 February 2024

I'll say it again, "Blaire White is NOT!! a Transsexual"

 I'm not normally one to harp on about things, I tend to think it makes me look petty and like I have no life and nothing better to do, but when I'm right, I'm fucking RIGHT!

Blaire White put a new video on youtube recently, I Went To Therapy To Figure Out Why I'm Transgender.. 

In the video, Blaire talks to David Sutcliffe, whom (from what I can find), is NOT a trained and or licensed Psychiatrist, he is apparently a "certified Core Energetics" practitioner though, what that has to do with sex and gender issues and treatments I have no F'ing idea!

Early in the interview the talk is of Blaire being different and "effeminate" at a very early age, and everyone realising even before Blaire did.

Blaire goes on to spend most of the interview talking about Blaire's father, Blaire's hatred for him and what he did to Blaire as a child. 

Blaire believes Blaire is probably trans because of a response to early trauma.

But then, at 26:40 minutes, Blaire talks about possible Prenatal causes.

Blaire is also partially/borderline autistic (apparently).

 Here's the deal folks, these things are called co-morbidities. If Blaire had been treated correctly, and by that I mean, according to the old standards of care, by a proper psychiatrist, these co-morbidities would have been investigated prior to Blaire's transition and it's probable "Blaire" would not be here.

So, getting back to what I said in my previous post, For a Transsexual, primary sex characteristics ARE important, up there with (if not) THE MOST important issue we have to deal with. There are other issues that can lead a person to cross-sexed or cross-gendered behaviour, but Transsexuals are unique in that we ALWAYS seek to change our genitals to match (as best we can) the sex opposite our sex at birth. No excuses, no ifs, ands, buts or maybes, PERIOD, end of story.

Blaire goes on to say it's not "politically correct" to say that trauma caused one to be "trans".

I would say, it's acceptability has NOTHING to do with political correctness, the reason it is not to be spoken about is because it would raise a flag and prevent people like Blaire, with co-morbidities and ulterior motives for seeking these treatments, from getting them. 

In short, doctors don't want law suits, so anything like this, might stop a doctor from assisting with cross-sexed therapies for fear that the patient might have regrets and sue later on.

Blaire knows Blaire is NOT female and Blaire knows Blaire is NOT a woman, Blaire is wearing a costume of convenience and I suspect one day when it is no-longer as useful as it is currently, Blaire will take that costume off and revert back to being a man. At that time Blaire will need the Penis Blaire has dutifully kept, (and) Blaire knows this which is WHY Blaire has kept it (it has nothing to do with in-adequate treatments and all the other bullshit Blaire has touted).

I'd say it will happen quite soon in fact, most likely right when the Transgender wave finally crashes and De-transition becomes en vogue, watch and see Blaire's youtube channel "grow" then.

And none of this would make even the slightest difference to me, except that Blaire claims (or has claimed) publicly to be Transsexual, which means the mainstream population and medical community form their opinion of what a Transsexual (IE, ME) is on people like Blaire.

Blaire will be viewed as some "expert" on what it is to be transsexual, Blaire will be the next Walt Heyer when in reality, Blaire has no idea about being transsexual, Blaire is just an effeminate gay man with daddy issues.

You can see the push back happening all around the world at the moment. The state of Kansas and The country of Hungary are examples, both recently barred the changing of sex designation on a persons identity documents regardless of wether one can prove they've had SRS or not.

These "loud, proud, public", activists are doing more to hurt people like me who just want to fix our problem and get on with our lives, than any kind of good that could come from them.

And as a result, I hope that there is a special place reserved in hell for them.

And hopefully, that's the last I'll have to say about Blaire White.