Gender theory (at least the female half of it) in a nut shell is this:
A woman’s purpose is to make babies….
And all women should want this, it should be their no.1 priority in life everything they do should be geared towards successful reproduction, how they dress, how they act, they way they have sex, should all be in an effort to attract a male and successfully copulate.
If someone does not conform to the above then they couldn’t possibly be a woman.
This is what men (apparently) think of women.
Reading what I read on the internet, it’s possible that most “feminists” believe that ANYONE who subscribes to any part of the above, is a man/a male/a misogynist.
Now on some level I concur, I also believe many men do believe that and believe that women feel that way.
Not all.
And I think that to make the assertion that all men think that way, or that if someone thinks that way then they must (accordingly) be male/a man (or have experienced “male enculturation”) is equally as “sexist” and offensive as this the whole concept above.
Now, yes! I live my life as a woman, and yes!, I feel the pressure in my daily life of "gendered" (sexed) expectation (per the above), and YES! it can feel pretty damn "oppressive" if I let it.
Here’s the thing though:
Personally, I actually DO want children. I’d give anything to be able to get pregnant and have babies, I believe it would be a miracle and something I’d be blessed to know/understand/be a part of (would I be scared? probably, aren't most women at least the first time around?). On an emotional level, it feels natural to me.
I do not like that I’m not only made to feel bad by society over the fact that I can’t have babies, but then told by “feminists” that I’m a deluded man or that I can’t overcome my “male” enculturation because I vocalise or express that I would want that if I was capable.
(Which translates to: NO, I'm NOT trying to win "gender identity" points, and NO, I was not enculturated from birth into believing I should want that, so think what ever you want to think, explain it however it is that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy about yourself, it makes no difference to me, I don't give a damn wether I'm "good" enough for anyone)
(Which translates to: NO, I'm NOT trying to win "gender identity" points, and NO, I was not enculturated from birth into believing I should want that, so think what ever you want to think, explain it however it is that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy about yourself, it makes no difference to me, I don't give a damn wether I'm "good" enough for anyone)
I don’t support the view of women stated at the beginning of the post and yes, again, I concur that many men do think that way (again, not all), I believe it should be a woman’s choice as to wether she wants babies or not, and she should NOT be thought less of if she does not want them (however, I also believe that we each need to get past giving a damn about what everyone thinks of us, it’s not healthy for us to be so obsessed).
The ideas outlined actually DO seem to fit a remarkable amount of women, could ALL of those women truly be deluded….. brainwashed by society into believing they want that? (children?) surely SOME must be strong enough to exercise their own free will and ability for independent thought?
Are ALL women (aside from these “feminists”, a remarkable number of whom it seems, are self declared lesbians, and as such, are probably less likely to get pregnant and become mothers than the bulk of female society) mindless “weak” individuals?
Sound’s to me like many of these supposed “feminists” view females/women in a remarkably similar light to how they suggest men do.
Face up to who you are already!
Stop blaming your own insecurities on society.
Accept yourself.
Accept that you are as human as anyone else, and as such are equally deserving of love, compassion, respect, companionship, and dignity.
Stop with the complaining and then go seek those things out.
If someone tries to take those things away from you then take those things away from them in return, but here is the secret:
Even if you don’t respect them as a person, make sure the manner in which you take those things away IS “respectful”.
Leave the door open if you will…