I had been thinking about writing about the whole Bruce Jenner “thing”
I HAD been thinking about it.
And then it occurred to me that every time I did, the more I contemplated it the more sad, angry, anxious and even (maybe a little) scared it made me.
I gave up everything, and when I say that I mean; my entire family, any friends and important relationships that mattered to me, any money and material possessions (even though there wasn’t really that much), my “home”, my sense of “security”, often my dignity and my pride.
I paid with my blood and tears, enormous physical and emotional pain (and that’s without even thinking about trauma of childhood)
All to be left alone and be just another female in society.
To be “no-body”.
That was the life I needed.
NOT “Transsexual”
NOT “transgender”.
Just a woman. JUST female.
The FACT is, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to change everything.
There’s a record of my “male” birth on government data-bases and certain historical documents that are IMPOSSIBLE to change. My body will forever show signs of its biology.
I’m stuck with my “history” to an extent, until the day I die.
And then you get “trans” people like Bruce Jenner coming along and saying that this “trans-ness” thing is a PART of them.
They live their whole lives as men, marry and have sex with women, father children, have careers and accumulate wealth and material assets as men, with the full benefit of the privileges afforded males.
And then they get on TV and they sell themselves as being the same as and having had the same life and story as girls like me.
They make the world aware of what can be achieved (physically) by the “treatments” designed for girls with my condition.
The public awareness they raise sees new legislation made which then gets applied to girls with my condition against our will, forcing us to be differentiated from other females.
I get so fuckin’ mad at it all that I can’t get much further (when responding to it all) than:
“Tans-ness” is NOT a fucking “PART” of me! I’m JUST A FRIGGIN’ GIRL!, and I just happened to have been born with a damn penis.
Pissed off is an understatement, there is nothing NOTHING sensational about all of this.
So much of life is taken away from a girl when she’s born Transsexual.
Our innocence as children is taken, the freedom to live and explore as adolescents, pregnancy, child birth, biological motherhood, we’re snubbed and looked down on by family and the world, and that is just to start with!
So much we miss out on! let me tell ya’ there isn’t a heck of a lot of “joy” left to live for.
And the arseholes come along and misrepresent us and show/say to the world that it’s possible for us to live for 65 years as a (seemingly happy, overall) man, accomplish HUGE things, and that having long hair, a pony-tail and wearing nail polish “long enough for it to chip off” is what we’re about.
Their words and actions threaten what little is left to make our lives worth fighting to live.
I’m better off to keep my opinion to myself, and just keep doing as much as I can to get as far away from anything and anyone that links me to being transsexual as possible.
You know what? I get it alright!
I get that in most peoples eyes we aren’t female, and we aren't women, and I understand that it is impossible to change sex biologically, and I wouldn’t presume to tell anyone what to believe about any of that, nor how to live their lives, all I know, all I’ve EVER known and all I can tell you is what I feel in and of myself, that I’m female, none of this “female soul” “soul of a female” Bullshit!
Female! like your sister, your mother, your wife, your daughter.
Female the SEX.
Female is NOT an "identity"and NOT a "gender".
Female! like your sister, your mother, your wife, your daughter.
Female the SEX.
Female is NOT an "identity"and NOT a "gender".
Those who claim to be “transgender” who live publicly, promote themselves and represent “trans-ness” to society, they’re taking away my/our right to live life how I/we see fit, they oppress me and I KNOW that they do so knowingly.
I/we don’t need the world “changed”
We’re quite ok with living our lives the same as any and EVERY other female since the dawn of humanity.
SO! to the “Bruce Jenners” of the world, I would say:
If you truly are a woman, then do as every other Transsexual does; change your name, get your surgery, shut your friggin’ mouth and go be a woman like the other (nearly) 3,614000000 females in the world.
The only thing that will change for us, is the suicide rate will increase.
I've been reading up on TERFs, mainly on Julia Serano's website, but also on trans advocate. Something that really struck a chord with me was a comment by Julia that what really hurts with TERFs isn't so much the outright hatred of trans people as much as their fundamental refusal to acknowledge trans women as being women.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read that I thought to myself, well, there's a whole huge pile of people who also invalidate trans women's identities, but they get a complete unconditional pass because because they are also trans, at least in the umbrella sense. I'm talking here of the crossdressers, late transitioners and gender queer people who don't actually properly identify as female but do it anyway, with their wealth and male privilege. They then claim we're all the same and invalidate my identity and my lived experiences.
And I want to scream. I'm glad I found at least one person in the world who understands.
Holy shit Natasha! Just when I thought you were never gonna come around.... Here you are!!!! Wee!! 😀
ReplyDeleteMe thinks you and I will see eye to eye on many things "trans" related, but some, probably not.
Truth is, when it all boils down to it we can't and will NEVER "win", all we can do is keep writing our blogs, sending our thoughts and massege out into the ether and hoping it reaches the right people at the right times (regardless of how futile and frustrating it is and may feel) and then close off our computer and go back to our lives.
You are welcome here, I'm glad you are here, and I'm pleased to know another "made it"