Thursday, 23 July 2015

Sailing your own ship.

 In what little spare time I manage to find for myself, (mainly the half hour or so most nights, just after dinner, before my boyfriend and I go to bed, the same time I use to watch a little television and wind down) I occasionally peruse the internet blogs.

Most of the blogs I read are “gender” themed (if you will).


My best guess at that is that issues related to sex, “gender”, “Transgenderism” and Transsexualism   and societies understanding of those things (I feel) have potential to effect my life.

I don’t make a point of promoting or publicising my situation to people, but that does not mean people cannot find out about it, and if they do, I’d certainly badly want for them to reach the correct understanding of me as an individual. 

However, I believe the chance that they would reach the correct understanding (given what I read and see of public perception and response to anything widely associated with transsexualism and it’s treatments) is incredibly remote, if not an impossibility (which I guess is part of the reason I occasionally sit and add to this blog, and send my thoughts out into the ether).

So what do I read?

Well, let me put it this way:

none of it is good. I don’t really like anything I read in the internet gender-verse as it relates to me and my condition.

The truth of the matter (I feel) is that Transsexuals don’t get to “own” ourselves on any level or in any way. It seems to me we’re used by everyone, any “group” (if you will) and in any way that suits them and will advance whatever their cause may be, but when we cease to be of use, we’re rejected and cast aside like the feces resulting from yesterdays dinner.

Everyone CAN and WILL tell us who we are and what (they believe) our “problem” amounts to, and how we should live our lives, but I don’t think I’ve come across too many (any in fact) people who are genuinely interested in understanding who and what we are and what (deep down) is at work within us, what motivates us.

First we have the transgender(s):

Mostly biological male MEN who have no intention of relinquishing the status and benefits of being socially recognised as someone with a penis, but also want (what they believe are) the advantages of being socially recognised as someone with a vulva, a vagina, a uterus and ovaries (you get my point) IE a biological female.

Transsexuals may not be completely accepted as biological females (no science to support our situation yet, not that i suspect it will matter even if and when there is) but the fact that we do rectify (as best we can) our genitals, assimilate as women, and cause no problems throughout our lives (for most of us that includes early life, infancy and adolescence), means that we have in past gained enough traction in society to be extended the courtesy of “womanhood”.

So it’s easy right?! transgender(s), (men) hitch their little agenda wagon to us and our story, but change our story to suit their agenda, and use us to fight for that which is against the best interests of females.

But when we try to point out that their issues don’t effect us, that we have no problem using the bathroom (any bathroom at all! we’re able to pee and crap just fine mostly, thanks for asking!) or being paid as poorly as most females, or with getting people to refer to us as “she” and “her”, they shout over the top of us, tell us we’re arrogant and entitled and “privileged” and push us away.

Which aside from the loneliness of our lives, is actually ok really, if we didn’t want/need friends and love and support, we really probably wouldn’t have any real desire to be near any of them anyway.

So 1. THEY use us.

Next we have Females.

In the blog world they mostly call themselves Radfems. Stands for Radical feminists. 

I want to break that down a little, I’ve read a few definitions and the best/most consistent (and seemingly applicable) versions for those words are:


a :  very different from the usual or traditional :  extreme

b :  favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions

c :  associated with political views, practices, and policies of extreme change

d :  advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs <the radical right>


the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

So basically, a Radical feminist is someone who: favours (and presumably acts towards) extreme changes in an effort to bring about political, economic and social equality of the (two major) sexes (IE, male and female, notwithstanding intersexed people).

In short; they believe that females are not treated equally to males.

What is “equality” exactly I then need to wonder?


  the quality or state of being equal


a (1) :  of the same measure, quantity, amount, or number as another (2) :  identical in mathematical value or logical denotation :  equivalent

b :  like in quality, nature, or status

c :  like for each member of a group, class, or society <provide equal employment opportunities>
:  regarding or affecting all objects in the same way :  impartial
:  free from extremes: as

a :  tranquil in mind or mood

b :  not showing variation in appearance, structure, or proportion

So explain this to me: on one hand Rad fems say they seek equality, but on the other hand they point out at every opportunity that females and males are different?

They want to be TREATED equally to Men/males but they are not and cannot BE male (nor can males be females, for the sake of “equality”), and nor do they want to be.

HOLY FUCK! they sound a whole heck of a lot like transgender(s) to me. they want to be treated the same as something they aren’t and (supposedly) cannot be.

AND!!! it doesn’t stop there, the similarities continue!

THEY (Radfems) use us transsexuals TOO! They're No.2

Just like TG’s they tell us who (they believe) we are and how we should act, and what we can expect and just like TG’s they expect us to go away when we don’t suit them.

What I find most interesting is how they treat us in exactly the same way they get pissed off over men treating them. 

They define us by THEIR understanding of who and what we are, they even want me to carry a card saying I am who and what they tell me I am (a sexually dysmorphic male apparently), and for the “privilege” they might let me use the women’s restroom if they feel like it. 

(yeah, ‘cause I really need to do that for my own well being and piece of mind huh? …. and I’m sure the other women peeing or changing their tampons will be thrilled when I knock on the door and give them my card and just let them know that although they didn’t feel threatened up until this point, "Radical feminists" say that they really SHOULD feel threatened because although I don’t have anything I can use to rape or impregnate them anymore, at one point early in my life I HAD a penis and ya’ know, I’m no bigger or stronger than them and I don’t look or act any different to them and I like to have sex with men and all, but….. BUT JUST BE FUCKING SCARED SHITLESS OF ME OK?!! because the whole world is out to get get you simply because you were BORN female

When it all comes down to it, I have little time for either group and I certainly don’t want to be included in or with any group that would tell me I have to live up to some standard that (for me) is (sadly) unreachable in order to be considered a “valid” member or human being for that matter.

I never sought to be “Transgender” all I ever sought was to be female, but I guess these bitches are right, I’m not and I can’t ever be, and so I’ll just have to find a way to live with their infinite knowledge and wisdom of all things of the world and human existence.

The good thing about that is that I live in the real world and finding a way To live in the real world hasn’t been so difficult.

I consider myself a feminist, but not because I believe that it makes me a woman or because it does anything in particular for me personally, or that it makes me (somehow) special, no.

I’m a Feminist because on a personal level I DO believe females are just as valid and capable and diverse as men, and because simply by being who I am and doing the things I do in my daily life and keeping my mouth shut, I open more peoples eyes, and change more minds in a single day, than these loud, annoying, (online) radfem flag wavers do in a year of writing presumptuous screaming essays full of degradation and vitriol.

People look at me and see a female, and yet my (so called) male enculturation means I CAN do (almost) all the the things men do and even still, I’ve learned to be better and faster than men because if you’re not, they can and WILL still ignore you.

 So I break the stereotypical “norms” on a daily basis but people still can’t deny the girl in front of their eyes. 


That makes changes for women.

You want to make changes for women get a man of "status" in his male circles to go against other men and defend women.

I've done that. When all the insecure jealous business men were verbally attacking me to and (in front of) my boyfriend at a recent industry related function he attended, he called them all on their bullshit, and stood prepared to fight for his belief in me and my abilities inspite of the (stated) fact that "I'm a girl."

When men (and I'm talking about the machoest of macho- heterosexual men here) fight amoungst themselves over issues relating to female equality, THAT is when you're making an impact.

The big problem women face is that they themselves buy into the bullshit they’re sold as children, that they “can’t” do this or that because they’re a girl, that being “pretty” or “sexy” so you can land a man is “important”. 

they don’t even try! 

But that is because it isn't TRUE equality that they seek. 

There's not a damn thing about the (so called) "radical" feminists that I believe to be truly radical on any level.

I'm more radical (when it comes to feminism, per the above definition) in my sleep!

So here is a little of what I believe:

There’s no "gender" police-man waiting to take you to jail or beat you or rape you just for not conforming.

There’s also no indisputable rule that says you can’t shoot, stab, or badly injure the man about to rape you. if it comes down to being raped, an unwanted pregnancy or jail time, then sign me up for my three squares and a cot please! I ain’t going down without a fight!

Does this make the way the world is “right”?…. no. but if people have to think before they do things, then the world will change slowly, I promise!

As for trangender(s) and radfems, abolishing "gender" and all the crap people ramble on about.


"Gender" as these people describe it, does not exist. It is a figment of their imagination, a crutch they use to compensate for their individual lack of personal fortitude, and on which they can blame their shortcomings and the hardships of life.

So!  it’s my ship and I don’t let anyone tell me what kind of ship it is or how I should sail it, no matter what they believe about me or what biological sex they happened to have been born.

As far as I'm concerned, the whole lot of 'em are spoiled, entitled little pricks and so they can all fuck off!